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Achiko launches Covid-19 testing pilot program in Indonesia

Achiko AG today launched a pilot program in Indonesia of its proprietary non-invasive, saliva-based Covid-19 diagnostic test, AptameXTM, combined with its digital health passporting app Teman SehatTM ("Health Buddy") as one integrated platform.

"We expect that Covid-19 will be present for years to come and pose an ongoing threat to people's health and wellbeing and the economies for many countries",

said Steven Goh, CEO of Achiko AG. "Against this backdrop, the cost of testing and the ease of managing test results become a key success factor in the fight against the ramifications of the pandemic. The combination of Aptamex and Teman Sehat can make testing affordable to workplaces and communities and bring the cost of frequent testing down to around the cost of a simple lunch while the reliable day-to-day management of the test results becomes a simple process."

The first stage of the pilot will be held in three sites

starting with a location east of Jakarta, Indonesia. The objective of the pilot is to confirm service delivery economics and showcase the service as a precursor to sales. Teman Sehat ("Health Buddy") is approved and listed on the Indonesian government purchasing list.

The Company is currently hiring and training staff, establishing production and distribution channels in Indonesia and completing a CE mark with a view of sales in Europe and using the CE mark in sales elsewhere.

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